Tag Archives: Carpet Cleaning

What Are Carpet Wicking Spots And What You Must Do?

Cleaning the carpet and removing the stain is one of the most stressful jobs. It won’t be wrong to say that even the professional cleaning team of a reputed company find it tough to remove the tough stain from the rugs. Wicking is an indication that the stain is not fully removed from the carpets … Continue reading What Are Carpet Wicking Spots And What You Must Do?

What Are the Best Ways of Pet Pee Stain Removal from the Carpet?

Removing stains of old dried pet urine from carpets has always been a tiresome affair for households with pets. However, the easiest way to bypass that trouble is summoning a professional carpet stain remover and cleaning company of your locality. The experts will adopt appropriate means to remove the old urine stains and the associated … Continue reading What Are the Best Ways of Pet Pee Stain Removal from the Carpet?